The WGSDPA renounces any form of discrimination as defined by applicable local, state or federal law. In short, WGSDPA requires that its organization and any affiliates comport themselves in a non-hostile environment, free of consideration of the following MARRS factors (AKA "Do Not go to MARRS"):
M- Marriage (Marital Status shall not be considered as a factor in assignments, judging performance, etc.).
A-Age-(Age shall not be considered a factor in assignments, judging performance, etc. The only time age shall be considered is if a minor requires parent consent to engage in a given activity [e.g. -a Helper Seminar]).
R-Race-(Race shall not be considered a factor in assignments, judging performance, etc.).
R-Religion (Religion shall not be considered a factor in assignments, judging performance, etc.). All requests for religious accomodation, such as participating in a trial but being exempt from required participation on an established religious observation day, shall be fully discussed and considered, with possible attainment of an advisorty opinion from counsel and /or the local commission on human rights).
S-Sex (Sex as in gender bias or harassment. No preference shall be effectuated on the basis of gender. Those in an official capacity shall never create even the appearance of impropriety and refrain from making any statement, gesture or demand for sexual favors or any type of action that could be even remotely construed as such).
Our policy also requires that veteran status not be a grounds for discrimination. While we understand anti-war dispositions, we are extremely grateful to our Veterans for protecting our country and freedoms and thus, recognize that veteran status is a protected class in terms of both federal and state statutory protection. The WGSDPA's predecessor, Free Dog Hundesport provided a free trial entry pass to all who served in uniform, not only veterans but police and firefighters as well.
Violations- Please report purported violations to the President of the WGSDPA in writing, providing as much details as possible. If your complaint is against the President of the WGSDPA, please send your complaint to the President of the American Working Dog Federation with a copy to the Secretary.